Microsoft only entered the PC hardware market in 2012, but its Suface series is synonymous with PC Tablet combo devices. Microsoft and HP Lenovo and other PC manufacturers all have clear "Division of labor"--Microsoft System, which provides the hardware. Facing the pressure of iPad, maybe Microsoft still can not help but "pigs mate", in 2012, released their first hands-on X86 Tablet--Suface Pro 1. Microsoft hardware is a super success into one tablet, but Suface Pro 1 weight up to 903g, coupled with the narrow 16:9 screen, making it look less than perfect. Left Surface 3, for Surface Pro 4 in the middle and right for Surface Pro 3 2014 Suface Pro 3 is the Suface series Fame, starting from this generation, Suface to compete MacBook and Air/iPad equipment. It with the previous generation the most obvious difference is that it uses 3:2 on the screen, and upgraded to a 12-inch screen sizes (previously a 10.6-inch), weight down to 800g, the thickness of only 9.14...